
Oh dear, where are my manners?

To sum up the last post, worship grows out of the realization that God has poured so much love and mercy into us that we are overflowing... We literally cannot contain it. But so often we don't worship with the reckless abandon that we should. Even more often, we don't worship at all.

If worship is glorifying God and singing to Him to thank Him for what he's done... how can we NOT worship? Set aside the HUGE and OBVIOUS gift of salvation that God has offered us in sacrificing His son on the cross, for a moment... what are the somewhat less obvious blessings God has given you?

For me, having my daughter was a huge turning point in my faith. For those of you not familiar with the story of how she came to be, let me give you the cliff notes version to bring you up to speed. I found out half way through the pregnancy that I was indeed pregnant; I went to the doctor thinking I would need to get my appendix removed or something because of all sorts of crazy things going on. I was 22 at the time and after finding out that in less than four short months, I had to grow up enough to be responsible and raise another human being, to say I was terrified would be an extreme understatement. Not to mention I hadn't done any of the things pregnant women should do. I hadn't had regular doctor visits or taken pre-natal vitamins and not to mention broken like every rule about the foods I should eat and the beverages I could consume. I had never prayed or cried so much in my life. And yet... on October 22, 2010 (yes, exactly 3 years ago from today), the beautiful and amazing Phoenix Isabella Jansen was born. At 7lbs, 7.7oz., she was perfect (ironic, given the use of the #7 in the Bible often to symbolize fullness or completeness or perfection.) I have never laughed so much in my life as I have since that day and it brings tears to my eyes as I think about all the joy that that little terrifying surprise has brought into my life. And this is only ONE example on an endless list of wonderful things God has done in my life... But what about you?

Perhaps for you, it's not something so dramatic. Perhaps, you're blessed with a family that loves you, a girlfriend or boyfriend that you have a lot of fun with, a home to keep you warm as the weather grows colder, clothes to wear, food in your stomach, the freedom to practice your religion without fearing for your life or the lives of those you love... Next time you're standing in church and notice your arms are crossed or pulled tightly to your sides, consider these things. Consider the small day to day blessings that we so often take for granted. Then consider what the One who gave you all those blessings did so you could have a relationship with Him... Look at the cross. Do you know how horribly agonizing that must have been? Yet, he willingly took it FOR YOU. So don't think of worship as standing around singing some songs, think of it as saying thank you. This week, as we go into a time of worship on Sunday, think about the words you're singing. Think about their truth and consider this in the context of ALL that God has done for YOU.
Don't you think you ought to say thank you?

(Warning this video is comprised of scenes from the passion movie. It is quite gruesome, though likely quite accurate.)

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