
Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my heart...

In college, I would often ponder the difference between happiness and joy. I've always felt that the distinction between the two is critical... and I have often thought that God promises the one, but not the other.

In the wake of hard times, I sometimes hear people (myself included) saying, "You deserve to be happy..." but do we? Somehow living in this culture we end up developing this sense of entitlement, that we deserve everything we want, that we deserve to be happy. Sadly, sometimes we interact with God that way too. We pray for the things we want because we know that's what will make us happy only to be disappointed when God doesn't answer our prayers the way we expect.

Have you ever considered the irony of the word spoiled? We're talking about spoiling in the sense of getting everything you want, but in getting everything that you want you're being spoiled, as in what happens as fruit goes bad. In other words, there's real truth to the phrase "spoiled rotten." If we were given everything we wanted and no desire was unfulfilled, where would God fit into our lives? There wouldn't be room for Him, because we wouldn't feel the need.

I would argue that standing in line for days to get the newest iPhone or spending your entire allowance on a pair of boots that you can't even wear in inclement weather (then what's the point!!) or whatever other ways we might fall into the trap of materialism, is pursuing happiness. And happiness, is fleeting. It lasts only as long as the latest fad. Joy on the other hand, transcends the momentary trials of life. True joy is a deep peace within your soul that can't be tarnished no matter what horrors the world tries to inflict on you. True joy comes from God. It is surrendering to the knowledge that you don't need to worry because He will be with you in all things and He will provide.This is part of the grace that He is constantly pouring into us; part of what brings us to overflowing, and compels us to worship Him. We can be joyful despite the circumstances of our lives because we know and trust that God will sustain us. If we know that He will always be there and our needs will always be taken care of... how can we still "not feel like it" when it comes time to worship Him? Worship grows out of that joy... and if you're not feeling particularly joyful lately, perhaps you need to take a good, hard look at why that is.

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." -Jesus Christ


  1. I recently had a conversation with someone about happiness that got me thinking about this. They claimed to be very unhappy at the time because nothing was going their way and the world seemed to be against them. This conversation got me thinking. I agree with what you say about happiness coming from material things and it only lasting as long as the greatest fads. To be truly joyful, you need to realize that no matter what the world throughs at you, God is there for you in the end. He will provide a way to get through it all and, even though it may not be what you were expecting, the end result will be amazing.

  2. So...years ago, I was very materialistic...it was about what you had. A nice house, awesome car, latest and coolest electronics. That's all that mattered. Well obviously things have changed. During that time in my life, I could start to feel that I wasn't truly happy. Yes, I would be happy for awhile, but sadness and an uneasy feeling always came back. Little things started changing in my life, then huge things...the biggest...I started back to church and in a Bible study. I started getting reacquainted with my Heavenly Father!!!! How awesome it was to feel such JOY...joy that I had been missing for years but didn't realize it! A peace that was truly amazing that only God can provide! Things in my life were not the greatest (going through a divorce and between jobs during all of this as well), but I still had a peace in my heart, again that only can come from God. You can buy all the coolest and best gizmos and gadgets, but what ends up happening to them??? You can't take them to Heaven with you and come on let's be real, they are only cool for a limited time until the old wears off and the new comes in.
