
be His love.

Being a disciple hinges on obeying two commandments. Yes, only two. You may have heard that there are 10... but there's actually hundreds (613, to be more precise). But Jesus sums them all up with just two. When tested by the Pharisees, Jesus answered that the two greatest commandments, the two that all the rest hinged on, were love God with all  your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength (see the post from Sept 10th)... this week, we'll look at the second piece of this: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Whose your neighbor? Everyone. So what is Jesus telling us? Love everyone. How do we love them? Do for them the things you would do for yourself... meaning your priorities should follow the JOY acronym: 
Jesus Others You
It is THAT simple. We follow Jesus, we do what he did... Who loved others more than he did? John 15:13 tells us that true love is laying down one's life for their friends. For us today, does that mean dying on a cross for our friends? No... it means thinking of them above ourselves. J. O. Y. (Notice what it spells. Guess what happens if you get your priorities in order and live this out? Go figure, right?!)

How we treat others is the single greatest testament to our faith. Like that super old song goes: "They will know we are Christians by our love..." If Jesus's entire message could be boiled down to one word, that word would be Love. So how can you honor what he's done for us? Go out and 
be His love.

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