Live it Out by Abandon
So there was a survey of college students that asked them questions about their faith. For the question "What does it mean to be a Christian?" only a few even mentioned Jesus... Jesus Christ.
You would think it'd be obvious... but we so often forget. Being a "good" person, isn't enough. Going to church isn't enough! And yet, that's the furthest we usually go... Being in church on a Sunday morning is enough of a commitment, right? We're busy and don't have time for more.
Jesus said "Whoever wants to be my disciple, must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." (Luke 9:23/Matthew 16:24).
Our crosses are decoration. We wear them around our necks, on our t-shirts, hung up on our walls, outside of our churches, tattooed on our arms... Yet, Jesus tells us to carry them. And carry them DAILY. Wait, is one day a week daily? How about two? Two out of seven... that's pretty close to daily right?
Join me again next time as we continue to explore what it means to carry your cross.